Capítulo 1 de 7. Camino de Santiago por tierras de Léon
Cuando hacia el año 820, se cree haber descubierto en Galicia el sepulcro del apóstol Santiago, la noticia se extiende por Europa y comienzan las peregrinaciones por una ruta que coincidía curiosamente con los antiquísimos caminos hacia el extremo de Occidente, hacia el “finis terae” (Finisterre) la orilla “del mundo de los muertos”, perdido entre las inexploradas brumas del Atlántico. El apogeo del peregrinaje a Santiago llegó entre los años 1100 y 1400.
When about the year 820, is believed to have discovered in Galicia the tomb of St. James, the news spreads through Europe and begin pilgrimages along a route which coincided strangely with the ancient paths to the end of the West, to the "finis Terae" (Finisterre) the edge "of the world of the dead," lost in the mists of the Atlantic unexplored. The height of the pilgrimage to Santiago arrived between 1100 and 1400.
When about the year 820, is believed to have discovered in Galicia the tomb of St. James, the news spreads through Europe and begin pilgrimages along a route which coincided strangely with the ancient paths to the end of the West, to the "finis Terae" (Finisterre) the edge "of the world of the dead," lost in the mists of the Atlantic unexplored. The height of the pilgrimage to Santiago arrived between 1100 and 1400.