El universo es movimiento, la vida es debida al movimiento de los órganos, el calor se produce por el movimiento de los átomos, moviendo 2 palos y frotándolos entre sí creas el fuego, nosotros nos movemos continuamente de un lado para otro. El cero absoluto inalcanzable de -273ºK es la no vida.
The universe is movement, life is due to the movement of bodies, heat is produced by the motion of atoms moving and rubbing two sticks together create the fire, we continuously move from one place to another. The unreachable absolute zero -273ºK is no life.
The universe is movement, life is due to the movement of bodies, heat is produced by the motion of atoms moving and rubbing two sticks together create the fire, we continuously move from one place to another. The unreachable absolute zero -273ºK is no life.