Chester is located northwest of England bordering Wales. This city is unique for precious Tudor style houses that are found throughout the Old Center.
El reloj Eastgate y su importante Catedral son sus otras dos bellezas turísticas que merece la pena ver.
El estilo Tudor en arquitectura constituye el desarrollo final de la arquitectura medieval durante el Período Tudor (1485-1603).
Se caracteriza por el "Half-timbering": «media viga o media madera», técnica de elevación de muros mediante una estructura de madera cuyos espacios intermedios se rellenan con mampostería.
También se conoce más propiamente en inglés como "wattle and daub": literalmente «zarza, (ramas) y mezcla», combinación en albañilería de fibras o elementos de refuerzo de madera con un mortero húmedo en base a caliza, yeso u otros minerales.
Otras de sus características es la ventana "oriel", un aventanamiento que sobresale del plano de la fachada.
Todos estos elementos hacen de Chester un sitio delicioso para pasear por sus calles disfrutando de tan peculiar arquitectura de sus casas
Chester is located northwest of England bordering Wales. This city is unique for precious Tudor style houses that are found throughout the Old Center.
The Eastgate Clock and important Cathedral are some others two tourist beauties worth seeing.
The Tudor style architecture is the final development of medieval architecture during the Tudor period (1485-1603).
It is characterized by the "Half-timbering": "middle beam or half wood", lift technique walls using a wooden structure whose intermediate spaces are filled with masonry.
More properly is also known in English as "wattle and daub": literally" bramble (branches) and mix", 'combination in masonry fibers or reinforcing elements of wood with a wet mortar based on limestone, gypsum and other minerals.
Other features is the "oriel" window, windowed protruding from the plane of the facade.
All these elements make Chester a delightful place to walk through the streets enjoying so peculiar architecture of its houses
The Eastgate Clock and important Cathedral are some others two tourist beauties worth seeing.
The Tudor style architecture is the final development of medieval architecture during the Tudor period (1485-1603).
It is characterized by the "Half-timbering": "middle beam or half wood", lift technique walls using a wooden structure whose intermediate spaces are filled with masonry.
More properly is also known in English as "wattle and daub": literally" bramble (branches) and mix", 'combination in masonry fibers or reinforcing elements of wood with a wet mortar based on limestone, gypsum and other minerals.
Other features is the "oriel" window, windowed protruding from the plane of the facade.
All these elements make Chester a delightful place to walk through the streets enjoying so peculiar architecture of its houses
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