Piedras de Sarsen Sarsen stones |
Stonehenge es un monumento megalítico Patrimonio de la Humanidad, tipo crómlech, alineado con los movimientos del sol, de finales del neolítico. Está situado cerca de Amesbury, en el condado de Wiltshire, Inglaterra, a unos quince kilómetros al norte de Salisbury. Las piedras fueron levantadas entre 3.100 a.c y 2.500 a.c años por un sofisticado pueblo prehistórico.
Stonehenge is a megalithic monument World Heritage, cromlech type, aligned with the movements of the sun, from the late Neolithic. It is located near Amesbury in Wiltshire, England, about ten miles north of Salisbury. The stones were erected between 3,100 BC and 2,500 BC years by sophisticated prehistoric people.
Todavía no se sabe para qué fue construido Stonehenge. Algunos dicen que era un templo, otros opinan que era un observatorio astronómico o un calendario prehistórico por cómo está alineado con el sol y la luna. Hay muchas teorías pero ninguna parece resolver el misterio.
It is not yet known why Stonehenge was built. Some say it was a temple, others say it was an astronomical observatory or a prehistoric calendar by how it is aligned with the sun and moon. There are many theories but none seems to solve the mystery.
Stonehenge is composed of large blocks of metamorphic stone in four concentric circles.
Outside, thirty meters diameter, is made of large rectangular stones sandstone were originally topped by lintels, also of stone, leaving today only seven in place.
Within this outer row is another circle of smaller bluestones blocks. This contains a horseshoe-shaped structure built of sandstone rocks of the same color.
The lintels were falling over the years and now there are only seven placed in their original positions.
Entire set is surrounded by a circular moat which measures 104 meters in diameter. Within this space rises a patch in which 56 moats appear known as the "Aubrey Holes". The patch and the moat are cut in "the Avenue", a processional path 23 meters wide and 3 miles long, approximately. Near is the "Stone of Sacrifice." Opposite is the "Heel Stone".
32 sandstone blocks were transported from the Preseli Mountains in southwest Wales and stone "Altar" was brought from a region near Milford Haven 300 Kms away. It is currently speculated that they had moved using wood or stone balls or bearings as a rolling bearings, not trunks as originally thought.
También se han encontrado los restos de un poblado. Los suelos de diez casas fueron excavadas, algunas dentro de vallados, y es probable que fueran muchas más. Datan de la misma época en que se pusieron las piedras de Stonehenge.
It also found the remains of a village. The floors of ten buildings were excavated, some within fenced enclosures, and it is likely that there were many more. They date from the same time that Stonehenge stones were placed.
A partir de los restos de los huesos de animales y cerámica encontrada cerca de las casas, parece que la gente se reunía en Durrington Walls, a 1 milla del monumento, para festejar la mitad del invierno. No era un asentamiento ordinario, sino un lugar donde la gente se reunía para celebrar rituales y quizá vivió mientras se construyó Stonehenge.
From the remains of animal bones and pottery found near the houses, it appears that people were gathering at Durrinton Walls,1 mille from the monument, to feast particularly at midwinter. This was not an ordinary settlement, but a place where people gathered to celebrate, conduct rituals and perhaps live while they built Stonehenge
En el solsticio de verano, el Sol salía justo atravesando el eje de la construcción, lo que hace suponer que los constructores tenían conocimientos de astronomía. El mismo día, el Sol se ocultaba atravesando el eje del Woodhenge en Durrington Walls, donde se han encontrado multitud de huesos de animales y objetos que evidencian que se celebraban grandes fiestas, probablemente al anochecer.
At the summer solstice, the Sun rose right through the axis construction, which suggests that the builders had knowledge of astronomy. The same day, the Sun was hidden through the axis of Woodhenge Durrington Walls, where many animal bones was found and objects that evidence that large parties were held, probably in the evening.
De la galería de fotos de la página web del English National Heritage (Patrimonio Nacional inglés) podemos ver esta recreación de cómo pudo ser el monumento originalmente.
From the gallery of photos from the English National Heritage website we can see this recreation of what might be the monument originally.
Algunos cuentan que este monumento lo construyeron los Druidas pero esto no es cierto ya que la época de éstos se remonta a 2.000 años después, aunque si es cierto que lo utilizaron para rituales. Posteriormente numerosos grupos profesantes de la religión druídica y específicamente masónicos, como la “Antigua Orden Unificada de Druidas”, celebraban cada año sus ritos en el monumento.
Some say that this monument was built by the Druids but this is not true since the time of these dates back to 2,000 years later, although it is true that they used for rituals. Afterwards many professing Druidic religion groups and specifically Masonic, as the "Ancient Order of Druids Unified", celebrated their rites every year on the monument .
Gracias a este proyecto se han descubierto 17 nuevos monumentos de pequeño o mediano tamaño, con una superficie de entre 10 y 20 metros en un área de 12 Kms cuadrados. También se ha descubierto que el llamado Muro de Durrington estaba rodeado por una hilera de 60 enormes columnas entre su circunferencia de 1.5 kilómetros de extensión. Otro enterramiento, apodado "el túmulo largo", incluía un edificio de madera que los arqueólogos relacionan con rituales de desmembramiento y homenaje a los muertos.
Thanks to this project we have discovered 17 new monuments of small or medium size, with an area of between 10 and 20 meters in an area of 12 square kilometers. It was also found that the so-called Wall Durrington was surrounded by a row of 60 huge columns between its circumference of 1.5 kilometers. Another burial, nicknamed "the long barrow" included a wooden building that archaeologists relate to ritual dismemberment and homage to the dead.
En la investigación de este proyecto se han empleado los últimos avances en radar subterráneo y magnetometría de alta resolución que han permitido levantar un mapa con estos tesoros escondidos bajo la hierba de Salisbury.
In researching this project have been employed latest advances in underground radar and high-resolution magnetometry allowing to lift a map with these hidden treasures under the grass of Salisbury .
Con los nuevos descubrimientos el monumento, que se creía aislado, se ha visto que forma parte de un complejo absolutamente gigantesco.
With new discoveries the monument, was believed isolated, has been seen that it is a part of an absolutely gigantic complex.
Mientras lees esta entrada te recomiendo que oigas la composición de Dan Gibson ---------------------------------------------------- I reccomend you listening the pieceof Dan Gibson |
Piedras de estación en primer plano Stones station in the foreground |
Stonehenge está formado por grandes bloques de piedra metamórfica distribuidos en cuatro circunferencias concéntricas.
Stonehenge is composed of large blocks of metamorphic stone in four concentric circles.
El exterior, de treinta metros de diámetro, está formado por grandes piedras rectangulares de arenisca que, originalmente, estaban coronadas por dinteles, también de piedra, quedando hoy en día sólo siete en su sitio.
Outside, thirty meters diameter, is made of large rectangular stones sandstone were originally topped by lintels, also of stone, leaving today only seven in place.
Dentro de esta hilera exterior se encuentra otro círculo de bloques más pequeños de arenisca azulada. Éste encierra una estructura con forma de herradura construida con piedras de arenisca del mismo color.
Within this outer row is another circle of smaller bluestones blocks. This contains a horseshoe-shaped structure built of sandstone rocks of the same color.
En su interior hallamos una losa de arenisca micácea conocida como "el Altar".
Inside we find a slab of micaceous sandstone known as "the Altar".
Inside we find a slab of micaceous sandstone known as "the Altar".
Los dinteles de varias toneladas de peso fueron elevados hasta su posición con rudimentarias herramientas y grúas demostrando una sofisticada técnica a pesar de la falta de tecnología. Las rocas más pesadas superan las 50 toneladas ¡habrían hecho falta 600 hombres para mover una!
The lintels of several tons were elevated out to position with rudimentary tools and cranes demonstrating a sophisticated technique despite the lack of technology. The heaviest rocks over 50 tonnes would have taken 600 men to move one!
Sólo quedan siete dinteles colocados Only seven lintels placed |
Los dinteles fueron cayendo con el paso de los años y ahora quedan sólo siete colocados en sus posiciones originales.
The lintels were falling over the years and now there are only seven placed in their original positions.
Todo el conjunto está rodeado por un foso circular que mide 104 metros de diámetro. Dentro de este espacio se alza un bancal en el que aparecen 56 fosas conocidas como los "agujeros de Aubrey". El bancal y el foso están cortados por "la Avenida", un camino procesional de 23 metros de ancho y 3 kilómetros de longitud, aproximadamente. Cerca se halla la "Piedra del Sacrificio". Enfrente se encuentra la "Piedra Talón".
Entire set is surrounded by a circular moat which measures 104 meters in diameter. Within this space rises a patch in which 56 moats appear known as the "Aubrey Holes". The patch and the moat are cut in "the Avenue", a processional path 23 meters wide and 3 miles long, approximately. Near is the "Stone of Sacrifice." Opposite is the "Heel Stone".
32 bloques de arenisca se transportaron desde las montañas de Preseli, al suroeste de Gales y la piedra del "Altar" fue traída desde una región cercana a Milford Haven a 300 Kms de distancia. Se especula actualmente con la posibilidad de que se hubieran movido utilizando bolas de madera o piedra o cojinetes a modo de rodamientos, y no con troncos como se pensó originalmente.
32 sandstone blocks were transported from the Preseli Mountains in southwest Wales and stone "Altar" was brought from a region near Milford Haven 300 Kms away. It is currently speculated that they had moved using wood or stone balls or bearings as a rolling bearings, not trunks as originally thought.
Casas paleolíticas Paleolithic houses |
It also found the remains of a village. The floors of ten buildings were excavated, some within fenced enclosures, and it is likely that there were many more. They date from the same time that Stonehenge stones were placed.
Poblado paleolítico Town Paleolithic |
From the remains of animal bones and pottery found near the houses, it appears that people were gathering at Durrinton Walls,1 mille from the monument, to feast particularly at midwinter. This was not an ordinary settlement, but a place where people gathered to celebrate, conduct rituals and perhaps live while they built Stonehenge
At the summer solstice, the Sun rose right through the axis construction, which suggests that the builders had knowledge of astronomy. The same day, the Sun was hidden through the axis of Woodhenge Durrington Walls, where many animal bones was found and objects that evidence that large parties were held, probably in the evening.
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Recreación del monumento. Imagen: Galería de fotos de la página web del English National Heritage Recreation monument. Image: Photo gallery of the website of English National Heritage |
From the gallery of photos from the English National Heritage website we can see this recreation of what might be the monument originally.
Algunos cuentan que este monumento lo construyeron los Druidas pero esto no es cierto ya que la época de éstos se remonta a 2.000 años después, aunque si es cierto que lo utilizaron para rituales. Posteriormente numerosos grupos profesantes de la religión druídica y específicamente masónicos, como la “Antigua Orden Unificada de Druidas”, celebraban cada año sus ritos en el monumento.
Some say that this monument was built by the Druids but this is not true since the time of these dates back to 2,000 years later, although it is true that they used for rituals. Afterwards many professing Druidic religion groups and specifically Masonic, as the "Ancient Order of Druids Unified", celebrated their rites every year on the monument .
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Image: University of Birmingham/The Stonehenge Hidden Landscape Project |
El Stonehenge Hidden Landscape Project es un proyecto de cuatro años de investigación emprendido por la Universidad de Birmingham en colaboración con el Instituto austriaco Ludwig Boltzmann. Los resultados han demostrado que el monumento de Stonehenge formaba parte de un complejo litúrgico muy extenso, con zonas de enterramientos y espacios para preparar el cuerpo de los difuntos y quizá también para atender a los enfermos.
The Stonehenge Hidden Landscape Project is a project of four years of research undertaken by the University of Birmingham in collaboration with the Austrian Ludwig Boltzmann Institute. The results have demonstrated that the Stonehenge was part of a very extensive liturgical resort with of burials areas and spaces to prepare the body of the deceased and perhaps also to care for the sick.
Thanks to this project we have discovered 17 new monuments of small or medium size, with an area of between 10 and 20 meters in an area of 12 square kilometers. It was also found that the so-called Wall Durrington was surrounded by a row of 60 huge columns between its circumference of 1.5 kilometers. Another burial, nicknamed "the long barrow" included a wooden building that archaeologists relate to ritual dismemberment and homage to the dead.
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Image: University of Birmingham/The Stonehenge Hidden Landscape Project |
In researching this project have been employed latest advances in underground radar and high-resolution magnetometry allowing to lift a map with these hidden treasures under the grass of Salisbury .
Con los nuevos descubrimientos el monumento, que se creía aislado, se ha visto que forma parte de un complejo absolutamente gigantesco.
With new discoveries the monument, was believed isolated, has been seen that it is a part of an absolutely gigantic complex.
Plano de Salisbury bajo el cual se han visto los tesoros escondidos Salisbury plane under which hidden treasures was found |
Impresora 3D construyendo Stonehenge 3D printer building Stonehenge |
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